
Friday, August 31, 2012

The First

Well have had my new longarm assembled for about a month and haven't really done any stitching on it.  Have been trying to get ready for winter, mowing the yard, trimming out the sucker trees, things that need to be done before the snow flies.  Have been looking at the pile of quilts that I have hoarded up for longarm practice.

They were beckoning to me, so loaded a lap quilt called Hugs and Kisses, put the Cosmos Circle Lord long board on and away we went.  Started out looking pretty jerky and forced.  Not only am I learning a new machine but also having to learn the Circle Lord but by the end it was looking pretty good.  Not too bad for the very first longarmed quilt.


Will make a good throw around, don't care if the dogs get it dirty quilt, because no matter how ugly a quilt is it still sleeps good!

I think this is going to be a fun winter!!!!

Thursday, August 30, 2012


Have been working on getting things moved back into the new longarm room and finishing up the details.

The new lights are up, the surge suppressor and power conditioners are installed. The curtains have been hemmed.

The shelf with the trim work is installed.

Removed the door and installed a beaded door curtain to free up more floor space.  Plus I think I am entering the hippy phase of my life!!!  LOL

The rail has been installed.  Between the sewing room and the longarm room still have a few more things to put away.  I haven't done any quilting in a couple of months.  I think I'm going into fabric withdrawals!!!  Will post pictures of the entire room once I get everything put away.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

End in Sight

Here is the main part of the room that is being remodeled.  Looking pretty darn good considering what it started out at.

So, finally, got to start putting the new APQS Millennium together.

And here is my dear husband putting one of the hydraulic table lift legs on.

So, after much ado, here is the much anticipated longarm quilting machine.

Now I just need to put the rest of the finishing touches on the room.  Am loving the new improved quilting area!!!  The natural lighting is so much better, light and airy and it doesn't look like a dungeon any more!!