
Tuesday, July 24, 2012


You know it is amazing what new flooring, some wall texture, paint and trim can do for a room.  This room started out paneled with some very weird design attributes and some very old brown/beige carpet.  Unfortunately I lost most of my before pictures when I had a hard drive crash on my computer but these should give you the idea. 

Here are some after pictures.  I still need to finish putting the shelf on the divider wall, put up the railing to the stairs and a few other little finishing items but I am still absolutely amazed at what a different room it looks like.

Put some light diffusers into the skylights and what a difference it made with the natural lighting. Have put up the blinds and curtains, which need hemmed. This weekend will be getting under the house and blocking up the flooring supports since they are just hanging there.  Then with a little luck will be assembling the new APQS Millennium longarm machine that has been sitting in the garage for 9 weeks.

And here is the box of happy!!!

Saturday, July 14, 2012


Another milestone today.....finally got the ceiling fan installed and let there be light.  The trim work should be finished tomorrow.  Yippee.  I knew that high school geometry would come in handy at some point!

Here is the before picture.....

And here is the after......

It is so much of an improvement.  Not only does it look better but provides better lighting. 

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Got the trip to Fairbanks out of the way. Purchased the final items that I needed to complete the longarm room remodel. You know it may seem silly but here is the first piece of trim installed. There is an end in sight, finally!!!!

Saturday, July 7, 2012


The trim was purchased today for the room remodel.  I've got it all stained and ready to install.  Got the fabric storage unit that I built stained today as well.  Need to go to Fairbanks to purchase the final items I need to get this job completed.  Then we will be able to start setting up my new APQS Millennium longarm machine.  It has been sitting in my garage for over 6 weeks in its shipping boxes.  Sigh.  Will post pictures as I get the room completed.